Salcantay Majestic
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i wanna refund my ticket.
Ah-Long J.
2018年1月20日, 18:26

i have to change my schedule and refund my ticket. i reserved 3 persons, but refunding ticket is just 1 person.

> i booked wynapicchu and machupicchu January 22, 2018 and paid.

plz check my information and reply to this e-mail.

Re: i wanna refund my ticket.
Messages: 825
2018年1月20日, 19:52


Thank you for your email.

We understand but unfortunately, it is not possible. No changes or refunds are allowed once the tickets are issued. Those are the rules of the Ministry of Culture, not ours, and we must respect them, as we explain on our website. If we could change it we would do it but we can't.

Your ticket was purchased with the information you entered and delivered as requested, and it cannot be used for another date and the money cannot be applied to another ticket because no refunds apply at all.

Only the person whose name is on the ticket can change the date but only before the date of the visit in person in Cusco at the Ministry's office, paying the change penalty and provided there are available spaces for the new date. As you can see, there is nothing we can do.

We are truly sorry we cannot be of help.

Best regards,

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